Painter & Sculptor
1901 - 1989

Gallery of works of Dutch artist Han Hulsbergen



Full colour book of
100 pages, with hundreds
of paintings and drawings
in full color. Buy it now printed or pdf downoad


Han Hulsbergen born in 1901 in Hengelo (Netherlands) studied at the Amsterdam Art Academy and the Academia della Bell'Arte in Florence and was awarded many prizes (van Collem Prijs, Prix Royaal Begeer).
He worked in Italy, Spain, Greece, England and Australia.

Most of his life he lived in Blaricum/Laren (Netherlands), an artist village close to Amsterdam in which lived artists such as Anton Mauve, Piet Mondriaan, Dooijewaard, Tajiri, Raoul Heijnckes, Han Hamdorff, Prof. Roland Holst, Geni Peter, Cees van Meegeren, Hooykaas, Prof. Röling et Paul Koning.

His canvasses and sculptures have been exposed at the Stedelijk Museum and Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam as well as museums in The Hague, Utrecht, Groningen, Oslo, London, Dublin, New York, Pittsburg, Sydney....

Hulsbergen was a multifacet artist; fine realism in the thirties, an excellent portraitist, a very fine personal cubism, abstract painting from the early sixties as well as sculptures.
His art is in a number of museums in the world, in private collections and many commissioned for international corporations.

Han Hulsbergen past away in 1989 in Blaricum at the age of 88. An all round artist internationally quoted, auctioned at Chisties (London, Amsterdam), Glerum, Venduehuis, Van Stockum's (The Hague), referenced at Artprice.com, Mak van waay, Pieter A. Scheen.
His paintings are of a remarkable quality and have the touch of a truly great master.